At release the narrative was 'you have to use the weak spot shot to kill it fast and efficiently', turned out that the fastest way to kill any is a locked on triple rocket burst (since it just melts it down and you dont have to rely on the glory kill animation either), then the whole quick weapon swap with the sniper mod on the battle riffle was found out and people managed to actually go through the whole game under 2 hours in ultra nightmare, by using this and the arbalest charged bolt to take out multiple enemies at once (and the yeet hook, between other things but you get the idea)Ī bit later on, the whole ice grenade lobbed shots into a caco also was found out, and so on and so forth I gave that one away once but, the most jarring example is the cacodemon. The narrative around this game is amazing, since the release its like 'YOU HAVE TO USE THIS TO BE GOOD' and literally one week after, the meta changed, and it changed again a couple of times after that with the power of. The way to play Eternal well is to actually use stuff your own way.